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Islamic terrorism strikes again in Russia

Islamic terrorism strikes again in Russia

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times 

Islamic terrorists kill many in Dagestan and Islamic terrorists are spreading fear throughout the Russian Federation.
Islamic terrorists kill many in Dagestan and throughout Russia

Islamic terrorism once more strikes fresh fear in the Russian Federation after 35 people are killed and hundreds are injured.  The attack took place at Moscow’s busiest airport and the bloodbath which took place is a clear reminder about the threat of Islamic jihadists in the Russian Federation. Therefore, renewed security will be called for and more clashes will erupt in the volatile North Caucasus region where Islamists are bent on creating an Islamic state and carving up the Russian Federation.

President Dmitry Medvedev issued stern words in a televised speech.  Medvedev stated that “Everything possible must be done so that the bandits who committed this crime are identified, exposed, and brought to court, and the nest of these bandits — or whatever they may be called – must be destroyed.”

Medvedev spoke emotionally and he continued by stating that “Those who offer resistance must be dealt with rigorously.  They must be destroyed on the spot.”  His feelings were also echoed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation because Vladimir Putin commented that “retribution is inevitable” and that “This was an abominable crime in both its senselessness and its cruelty.”

At the moment all fingers point to Islamic terrorists who operate in the North Caucasus region because you have had many Islamic attacks by jihadists in the past both within the North Caucasus and throughout the Russian Federation.  Therefore, while the investigation is still ongoing it is clear that many will suspect that the Islamic suicide mission will have been formulated within the North Caucasus or through networks which have links to this region.

B. Raman (Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi) comments that “The Afghan Taliban, which has close links with terrorists from Chechnya and Dagestan, and Al Qaeda and the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which assist the remnants of the Chechen terrorists still living in North Waziristan in Pakistan, have not so far reacted to Karzai’s bilateral visit to Moscow and to Russian promises of military and economic assistance.  There is so far no evidence to connect the Moscow blast of January 24 (2011) to Karzai’s visit, but this is an angle, which is likely to be explored during the investigation.”

B. Raman continues by stating that “Presently, the investigators seem to be treating the explosion as purely-related to the anti-Russian insurgency in the Caucasus region.  Pictures of a seeming return to normalcy projected by the Russian authorities do not reflect the reality.  There is still considerable anti-Russian anger and continued availability of volunteers for suicide terrorism – men and women.  Money continues to flow to the terrorists from Chechen-origin residents in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.  Narcotics smuggling from Afghanistan is another source of income.  Russia has been playing a role in the anti-narcotics drive in Afghanistan, but the results have not been very significant.” 

It is clear that outside forces have given and continue to give economic support to Islamists in the North Caucasus region.  Therefore, you have many “rat lines” and this applies to Islamic networks in several nations, Islamic charities which are intent on spreading Sunni Islamic extremism, Islamic criminality via the narcotic trade, and other areas. 

Vojin Joksimovich, who is the author of Revenge of the Prophet, commented that The long-term strategy is proselytism of Islam and Wahhabi Islam in particular. French scholar Giles Kepel used the term ‘petrodollar Islam’ for a vast infusion of proselytizing wealth from Saudi Arabia. Proselytism and the checkbook diplomacy long have been the Saudis’ principal foreign policy tools. The Saudis have built thousands of mosques worldwide. While the Islamist terrorism is being challenged the petrodollar Islam quest is yet to receive due attention.” (Page 11 – Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

It is clear that ethnic nationalism is potent in the North Caucasus and outside Islamists have fermented hatred in order to Islamize the region.  The Palestinian cause, just like that of Muslims in southern Thailand, was mainly based on nationalism than Islam in the past.  However, Islamic charities, funding from outside nations, Islamic propaganda, radical Muslim religious leaders, and other ways of spreading the Islamic agenda; have changed the causes of Chechnya, Dagestan, southern Thailand, and other parts of the world into a battleground where Islamic jihadists desire complete Islamization.

B. Raman also commented that “Western skepticism about the Russian evidence regarding the links of the Chechen terrorists with Al Qaeda has been coming in the way of strong action against the Chechen terrorists operating from Pakistani sanctuaries with Saudi money. This skepticism can be compared to the US skepticism over Indian evidence regarding the international dimensions of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) and its links with Al Qaeda. Only after the LET killed six US nationals in Mumbai during its sea-borne terrorist strikes in the last week of November, 2008, did the Americans start admitting that the LET had become as dangerous as Al Qaeda. The Chechen terrorists have till now not targeted US nationals and interests. Hence, the US skepticism continues. This is a short-sighted approach and will weaken the war against global jihadi terrorism. The LET did not target Americans till November, 2008. That did not make it any the less dangerous as a terrorist organization. The Chechen terrorists are as ruthless and dangerous as the LET or any other associate of Al Qaeda. The world has to be concerned over their activities before it becomes too late.”  (March 31, 2010)

Vojin Joksimovich also comments on the global nature of Islamic terrorism and the source of this constant threat.  He comments that “The most pressing underlying root cause is the Saudi Wahhabi-led petrodollar hegemony over the Islamic world, typically but not exclusively exercised through organizations like the Muslim World League, Organization of Islamic Conference, various Islamic so-called humanitarian organizations, etc.”

Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that “It is imperative to starve these terrorist organizations of financial resources and recruits. The present generation of Western leaders has been unwilling to take bold steps for two primary reasons: The oil addiction in what could be termed Petrolistan as well as the petrodollars ploughed back into the Western economies and various individual and corporate coffers.” Page 305 – The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

The latest terrorist attack in Moscow is a permanent reminder that the North Caucasus region is blighted by Islamic terrorism and that jihadists can attack anywhere throughout the Russian Federation.

In January 2011 you have had attacks in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Kabardino-Balkaria.  At the same time Christian churches have been attacked in recent times by Islamists and moderate Muslims or alternative voices also face death.  Therefore, Aslan Tsipinov was killed in Kabardino-Balkaria-Karachai by Islamists because he was deemed to be an “idolator” (mushrik) and it is clear that Islamists are intent on enforcing Islamic Sharia law and ruling by fear.

The latest terrorist attack highlights the ongoing threat of Islamic terrorism in the Russian Federation and it is clear that internal Islamic organization and external Islamic organizations are working in tandem.  Terrorist networks have also been developed between Islamic networks within the North Caucasus and with international terrorists who have an Islamic agenda and who seek to spread Islam by the sword and through Islamic indoctrination.

At the same time you have an ethnic angle and an inner struggle between different branches of Islam in the North Caucasus and this applies to indigenous Islam versus Wahhabi inspired Islam.  Therefore, many moderate Muslim leaders, like Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov who was killed in Dagestan, have been killed by Islamic radicals.

Overall, it is clear that you have major problems in the North Caucasus and this instability is infringing on other parts of the Russian Federation.  At the same time you have Islamists who dream of creating either an Islamic caliphate or independent Islamic states.  Therefore, internal and external Islamic forces will continue to challenge the central state and moderate Muslims will also face the wrath of radical Sunni Islam in the North Caucasus.

Lee Jay Walker  

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