The Modern Tokyo Times

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Tokyo and cosmetics: Shiseido The Ginza is the crème de la crème

Tokyo and cosmetics: Shiseido The Ginza is the crème de la crème

Michel Le Bon and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Shiseido The Ginza is a store which is located in a stunning part of Tokyo where Japanese fashion companies of extreme quality vie for trade with the most famous international brands in the world. The image of Ginza is one of quality, style, elegance and where panache is visible in all directions in the main areas of high fashion.

Shiseido is a fantastic company which is blessed with a very rich history and in their store in Ginza called Shiseido The Ginza you have floors full of exquisite products. This is fused with high technology and many options are available to clients who want to talk and learn more about what suits them best.

The environment of the store is sublime because Shiseido is clearly focused on providing extreme quality products, high quality customer service, state of the art technology whereby customers can match what suits them best, special booths in order to obtain personal guidance and so much more. Therefore, if cosmetics and beauty products is what makes you tick then clearly you can’t go wrong if you visit Shiseido.

The total beauty facility is a wonder to behold because innovation, space, environment, expertise advice, computerization, amazing customer service, and extremely high quality products are on show. 

In a earlier article written by the Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that Shiseido The Ginza “….is a company with a very rich history and this can be seen by the store in Ginza because each of the three floors is based on a new experience whereby shoppers can engage themselves amongst the sophistication which is on offer.  Of course, this sophistication is matched by the quality of the products on offer and by staff who represent the finest of qualities which befit Shiseido.”

“Tokyo ladies and women who are visiting Tokyo will not find a finer place to shop around and enjoy the fabulous layout of each floor.  This applies to product sampling areas, beauty parlors, a photo studio and state of the art technology whereby customers can interact and make the most of their visit to Shiseido The Ginza.”

On the second floor Shiseido have staff of the highest quality and they will help each individual with their needs. The staff at Shiseido The Ginza listen deeply and they take great pride in working for such a sublime company. Therefore, if clients are unsure or if they want to enhance their beauty or change their style, then highly trained staff will help and cater for the needs of the client.

The products available on the first floor welcome the client or the individual who is browsing and clearly clients will soon be enticed by the products on offer. This is matched by the usage of technology and this shows the natural innovation and care of Shiseido.

Customers simply use the fully interactive digital cosmetic mirrors and then enter the barcode of the selected product or products. After the barcode is entered the customer will see how this looks visually once the technology is matched with the customers face. Also, the state of the art technology will show the various colors, and show the customer how it looks from different angles therefore luxury is being fused with technology and style.

At Shiseido The Ginza you have counselors on standby in order to help people with their skin types or other related areas of care and this all adds to the experience of each individual feeling special.  Estheticians of the highest quality are available and with all the knowledge that they have learnt from the Shiseido Academy of Beauty & Fashion; then the customer is bound to get the highest quality of care and attention.

The ethics and care at Shiseido The Ginza on the third floor is matched by the décor and space available to individual clients. Therefore, the third floor is where the exquisite notch is increased even higher and the final finishing touch is available for clients who desire premium Shiseido products.

Counseling rooms are available and cater fully for the customer interested in premium products. The booths have been designed for private customers who want to utilize everything provided by Shiseido and this is the final piece in the exquisite jigsaw.

Shiseido The Ginza provides a unique experience and for Tokyo ladies and women visiting Tokyo, then this shop is a must place to visit if you are interested in crème de la crème cosmetics and other beauty items. The rich history of Shiseido is deep and this company continues to think about new ways of enhancing and furthering the reputation of this sublime company.

Shiseido The Ginza equals panache, modernity, innovation, and exquisite products. This is equally matched by amazing customer service and estheticians who are of the highest quality. All in all, this shop and company is a blessing for the lovers of cosmetics and crème de la crème goes hand in hand with Shiseido.  – SHISEIDO THE GINZA   

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Tokyo: Shiseido The Ginza is where cosmetics and décor melts into a pure beauty experience

Tokyo: Shiseido The Ginza is where cosmetics and décor melts into a pure beauty experience

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times


Ginza is located in a very refined and exquisite part of Tokyo and Shiseido The Ginza blends into its environment perfectly.  The total beauty facility is not only based on the highest of beauty products but the style of the entire store is based on panache and an environment which focuses on pure luxury.

Shiseido is a company with a very rich history and this can be seen by the store in Ginza because each of the three floors is based on a new experience whereby shoppers can engage themselves amongst the sophistication which is on offer.  Of course, this sophistication is matched by the quality of the products on offer and by staff who represent the finest of qualities which befit Shiseido.

Tokyo ladies and women who are visiting Tokyo will not find a finer place to shop around and enjoy the fabulous layout of each floor.  This applies to product sampling areas, beauty parlors, a photo studio and state of the art technology whereby customers can interact and make the most of their visit to Shiseido The Ginza.

On the second floor you will find highly trained staff who will listen to your needs and who will cater for your desires or any questions that you may have.  The first floor is where you will find quality product after quality product and the usage of technology is a wonder to behold. 

Therefore, Tokyo ladies and visiting ladies can experiment with digital cosmetic mirrors which are fully interactive and once the barcode is entered of the product which took the eye of the customer; then this will show the person how it will look once it is matched with the customers face.  This enables the individual to utilize all the various colors which are on offer and the image also shows the look from different angles and this is pure luxury mixed with convenience and style.

Counselors are on standby in order to help people with their skin types or other related areas of care and this all adds to the experience of each individual feeling special.  Added to this, estheticians are available and with all the knowledge that they have learnt from the Shiseido Academy of Beauty & Fashion; then the customer is bound to get the highest quality of care and attention.

The third floor is the finishing touch because the exquisite notch just increased even further and customers now have counseling rooms which cater for the individual and this applies to premium Shiseido products.  The booths which are designed for private usage all adds to the whole experience for the customer and the third floor is based on a luxury décor format alongside quality technology which shows the ethics and care of Shiseido.

If Tokyo ladies and visiting women to Tokyo love cosmetics and beauty products; then Shiseido The Ginza is a place to visit and because of the rich history of Shiseido then the quality on offer is of the finest.

Shiseido is always based on innovation and this is matched with exquisite products of pure quality and a visit to the Shiseido The Ginza is clear evidence that this company understands not only state of the art innovation; but, they understand the needs of modern ladies and their staff clearly care about each individual who visits.  –SHISEIDO THE GINZA  (please visit)

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